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 Join Team

Two ways to join

You must sign in before you can join a team from the web site

To subscribe to an open team just text your name to the number. Expect a reply.

paige turner

You are subscribed as PaigeTurner

Send like this if your coach has protected the team with a password

paige turner pswd

You are subscribed as PaigeTurner

Neither confirmed nor denied

You should receive a confirmation that you have been added.

If you don't get a confirmation

  • Many cell phones limit text messages... delete old text messages to receive new ones.
  • Check to ensure you don't have filters or blocks placed on your number by your service provider
  • Visit the FAQ page for other information

Now you are dangerous

  • New member's messages will be sent only to the coaches/managers for re-broadcast.
  • When the coach gives you broadcast privileges your messages will be sent to all receiving members.
  • Please be appropriate in both quantity and quality of your messages. Otherwise the coach may revoke your sending privileges.


Check out the command examples