Frequently Asked Questions
We want to provide an easy to use, valuable service for you. Please contact us if you do not find what you need on the website.
Team FAQ
What is wrong with using my email group?
Ownership and mobility are the main reasons.
- You become the single owner of the group
- You have to initiate every conversation - what if you can't be contacted?
- If someone changes their email, you have to update the group information
- When you leave the team, someone else has to re-create the group on their system.
- Everyone does not have email on their phone
- Phones don't alert immediately upon new email
The most important uses of our system occur when teams are travelling. You can't overcome issues on the road because full access to email does not exist.
What is wrong with using my phone group?
Ownership and list size are the main reasons.
- You become the single owner of the group
- You have to initiate every conversation - what if you can't be contacted?
- If someone changes their number, you have to update the group information
- When you leave the team, someone else has to re-create the group on their phone.
- Most phones limit the group size to 10 or less.
Do I need a data plan?
Nope! If you can receive a text message you can use our service.
What is a phone tag?
It is used to verify your phone number and link it to your team-text sign-in.
- You subscribe to a team from a mobile phone
- You get a phone tag sent to the phone
- You sign-in to the website as me@gmail.com
- You enter the phone tag at the website
- Now we know the mobile phone belongs to me@gmail.com
People joining the team can use the service from their phone without ever signing into the website
What are labels?
Labels allow a direct message to a single member or a subset of the team. Members can "label" themselves on their profile page, or the manager can do it
Examples of labels:
- parent
- defense
- 25
The help page explains the use of direct messages and labels
Inbox full?
Some mobile phones have a limit, you may have to delete old messages from your inbox
- It is only $2 monthly to keep your phone number, plus the cost of messages
- Messages cost depends upon how much your team uses the system
- To broadcast 25 times, it costs $.50 per team member
- Messages are pre-pay and do not expire
Teams typically send about 20-25 broadcasts per month.
So a 20 member team sending 25 broadcasts per month will spend $10 each month on messages.
How do I extend service?
Coaches or your connected Event can extend service
If you do not have coach privileges yet, get your current coach to promote you with the "mc" command. You will have to login with your account email and password.
If your team is connected to a league, tournament, or club they can extend you as well.
Can I mute or defer messages to email?
You can mute messages or have them delivered to email.
To mute messages use the "oo" command with a number of hours. Messages will resume after that time.
If you have limited text messaging on your phone and don't want the charges use the "ue" command. You will have to first login with your account email and password so we can use your address.
You can automatically return to using your phone in a number of hours. This feature is available from the web site or your phone
How do I resign as coach?
Just opt out
Remove yourself from the team with the opt out command: "oo" command. You can subscribe to the team again as a regular member by sending your name to the team number.
If no other members possess coach privileges, the system will promote someone at random. You can promote someone else prior to resigning with the make coach command: "mc" command.
How do I disconnect from an event?
Only members with coach/manager privileges can disconnect
Coaches can disconnect from an event by using the website or by using a variation of the opt out command:
oo xxxxxx
where xxxxxx is the event code
How do I delete my team?
When the last person opts out of the team
When the team expiration date is reached before renewal. You can see the expiration date by sending the "s" command
How do I preserve my message balance?
- Keep an eye on the counts shown at the bottom of your messages. Example...
CoachScott: Make sure everybody brings a ball to practice
The numbers mean:
(43/356)- 43 members are receiving this message
- 356 messages are left in your team message balance.
- Send an "s" command to see your message and expiration status
- Use direct messages - read about the "d" command
- Use temporary opt out - read about the "oo" command
- Use email - read about the "ue" command
Event FAQ
Can I create/connect teams in bulk?
We will be happy to help you create/connect teams in bulk. You just need to collect some information into a spreadsheet and send it to us.
Contact us and we will follow up with you.
Here is a link to an example spreadsheet. It opens in a new window or tab
Can I pay for our club's teams?
There is an easy interface provided to pay for your teams in bulk
From your list of events, choose the edit event action.
On the edit event page click on the payment tab.
Select the teams and click the checkout button.
Why create a public vs private event?
Tournaments and leagues want to be found by and connected to by all teams.
Clubs prefer to connect to and message just their own teams.